~~~ SeeyenAuto RV 汽車 & 戶外用品 ~~~
Roof Rack Cross Bars for 金鈴汽車 鈴木汽車 SUZUKI CROSSOVER SX4 Flush Bar
SUZUKI CROSSOVER SX4 WHISPBAR 超低風阻車頂架橫桿 車頂置放架 車頂架 車頂桿
您必須要先考慮這個品牌的產品之原因 >>> 國內外及澳洲有更多的使用者車主談論著這款式的靜音頂橫桿,世界上第一個製造最安靜的車頂橫桿,無論您之前有無使用過!您需要先知道這的品牌與品質的產品,不會有嗡嗡聲的異音!增加可以置放的車子空間。
Whispbar是具有超低風阻設計與高強度鋁合金材質的車頂行李架橫桿,外觀飛機翼的流線造型是本行李架的特點,除了有效降低風切噪音,動態荷重更可達75Kgs,橫桿寬度是 8.5CM!可以上鎖!安裝後高度增加 8cm,可以前後微調滑動距離!紐西蘭、澳洲、加拿大、美國等均以 WHISPBAR 車頂架橫桿列為原廠新車選配件!
營造個人氣勢、運動風格,最低的架設橫桿方式,流線機翼造成設計的外觀,不凸出的款式、也沒有另外顧慮危險性!運用 T型夾鎖方式固定,超低風阻係數!抗阻 UV及風吹雨打的腐蝕物,腳架與夾具均是專用車種款式哦!使用夾鎖固定於直桿方式!100% 原裝進口組件!一分錢、一分貨,超級耐久材 >>>車頂上橫桿或許可能就只買一次,何不使用精緻、進口部品呢!盡興享受你的旅程!
Not only is Whispbar engineered to exact specifications to provide the lowest drag and reduce noise levels to nearly zero, the intelligent SmartFoot fitting kit make installation to your Suzuki S-Cross effortless. And with SmartFill technology allows for a fast and seamless install of accessories.
No longer. No more annoying whistles, buzzing, or droning. No more looking forward to taking the roof racks off to give your ears a break! Whispbar allows you to enjoy the journey with the world's quietest roof rack, made to fit your S-Cross.
Fit Whispbar to your Suzuki S-Cross and enhance it's usability. And the universal Whispbar t-slot is compatible with almost every brand of roof rack accessory on the market so there's a good chance your old gear will fit! The crossbars come fully assembled ready to go, you only need to add a fitting kit to be up and running in your new gear.