NISSAN X_Trail Running Board 側踏板組

Running Boards For NISSAN X_Trail

Getting in and out of your vehicle is easy with a set of durable run

ning boards .The material used the aluminum alloy.

本產品是 NISSAN X_Trail 側踏板組是O.E.M Export Aftermarket Replacement Used.汽車經銷商新車選配件,增加美觀及強化安全性。


OEM款式Running Boards身車側踏板組 專用款式!原廠式樣 側踏板 側踏.原廠式樣 車側踏板 側踏

堅固的踏腳板(輔助腳踏板),好看的踏腳板設計的整合與外觀造型,同時提供簡單的一步存取車輛。防滑表面,可以提供安全的基礎。豪華漂亮的個人風格.增加鋁合金面板之止滑踏板設計.牢固且吻合車身尺寸!加強車側剛性度!不同一般市場上販售的商品! 此商品為汽車經銷商的新車 OEM 選配件!可以防止與降低停車場中的停車門互相打開之碰撞!!增強車身側邊強度!增加安強性!踏板寬度與車身寬度切齊!不用監理站變更登記!不用再鑽孔!全部利用原車底盤所預留的孔位設置!


100%台灣製造.外銷北美地區並獲得汽車公司新車配件選配件,免鑽孔.預留孔螺絲鎖上即可.鋁合金材質. 並且可以於車側遭受擦撞時.免於車身鈑金受損的危險!亦可增加車身側邊強度!!                                                                                                                                                        堅固的踏腳板,好看的踏腳板設計的整合與愛車的外觀造型,防滑表面,可以提供安全的基礎。豪華漂亮的個人風格.增加鋁合金面板之止滑踏板設計.牢固且吻合車身尺寸!加強車側剛性度!不同一般市場上販售的商品! 此商品為汽車經銷商的新車OEM選配件!可以防止與降低停車場中的停車門互相打開之碰撞!!增強車身側邊強度!增加安強性!踏板寬度與車身寬度切齊!不用監理站變更登記!不用再鑽孔!全部利用原車底盤所預留的孔位設置!





Getting in and out of your vehicle is easy with a set of durable running boards .The material used the aluminum alloy.Running Boards.These sturdy, good-looking running boards are designed to integrate with the exterior styling, while providing easy step-in access to the vehicle. Skid-resistant surface helps provide for secure footing.


A brilliant side bar for your car.These are beautifully styled running boards which are individually contoured. they are not a universal fitment like others are selling.These running boards offers great protection from those supermarket car park bumps and parking scrapes.The tread design on the surface offers a reliable and durable grip.The width of these running boards gives a good platform to stand on and they are made to be stood.                                                                        

Running Boards.These sturdy, good-looking running boards are designed to integrate with the RAV4’s exterior styling, while providing easy step-in access to the vehicle. Skid-resistant surface helps provide for secure footing.



   Ray Chang    LINE & SKYPE :  rmc5525     手機:  0926-249-229


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