
機車貨物置物網 尺寸: Dia : 4mm,Size : 15" X 15" , 6 s 顏色:黑色

                                    20" X 20" ,w / s hook 6 s

另有紅.藍色可供選擇(但須事先詢問庫存數量哦!)機車置物網 適用一般機車/野狼125/雲豹/川崎等!

Small Load Luggage or Cargo Net . Helmet net

Elastic Netting with 6 Plastic Coated Securing plastic hook Hooks.Available in Black, Blue or Red need ask us about stock.Ideal for Fastening to Luggage Rails or Grab Rails.Perfect for Transporting Passenger Helmets or Other Luggage Items.Safe and Secure.


汽車貨物置物網 尺寸: Dia :4mm , Size :25" X 25" , w / s plastic hook 12支塑膠鈎

適用於一般小貨卡 置物架 頂置物架、置物籃、車頂籃等!


Used to fasten items to your sprint rack or carrier.ideal for your sandwich box or waterproofs Etc.12 Rubber Capped Anchor hooks to Prevent Scratching. That clip onto the anchor points on the rack.

And comes complete with strong hooks for securing to your rack

登山、露營、安全帽、雨衣、文件...等貨物綑綁,露營旅遊個人或家庭戶外休閒收納物品之最佳好工具、高拉力彈性網、彈性繩、外銷A級橡膠製品,100%台灣製造! 建議延展20%~30%長度最佳,本產品採用特殊強力彈性材質,非一般劣質混合橡膠製品。

Elastic cargo net attaches to the Topeak TrolleyTote or other basket types and keeps contents safe and secure while riding.Attaches to rack or basket with durable, coated hooks.Hold cargo securely with this cargo net.

Made from heavy-duty bungee cord.Use it for cargo roof racks too!Keeps cargo from moving around.ideal for your sandwich box or waterproofs Etc.6 Rubber Capped Anchor hooks to Prevent Scratching.And comes complete with strong hooks for securing to your rack

因為這些產品是外銷用品,所以請先確認有否庫存與價格哦!Info me : Ray 0926 249 229

    創作者 Sugar Ray 的頭像
    Sugar Ray

    Ray's 優質高CP二手中古車/車頂架橫桿/汽車化工用品

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